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How Cottage Cheese Benefits The Body

Cottage cheese is one of those foods that does not get talk about a lot in terms of its health benefits. However, cottage cheese is good for you in many ways. A lot of people probably do not realize the health benefits that cottage cheese provides. Below is a list of some of the major benefits of cottage cheese. Check out The Dairy Dish “Is Cottage Cheese Good for You?” for more in-depth information on the topic.

Protein - Cottage cheese supplies an enormous amount of protein. Enough to come close to a serving of a chicken breast. One cup of cottage cottage cheese contains approximately 25 grams of protein. This is an amazing amount considering the serving size. You can receive about 50 percent of your daily recommended protein with only one cup of cottage cheese.

Low Fat - There are different types of cottage cheese. The main types are non-fat, 1% milkfat, 2% milkfat, and regular or 4% milkfat. All of these types of cottage cheese have none or minimal fat content. The highest fat content is in the 4% milkfat cottage cheese and this type only has roughly 5 grams of fat per half cup. There typically is not trans fat in cottage cheese so no worries on that front.

Low Calories - Cottage cheese is very low in calories even considering a higher 4% fat content product. As example, a 4 percent milk (regular) half cup serving of Daisy cottage cheese only has 110 calories. Daisy 2 percent only has 90 calories for the same serving size. This is insanely low considering the quality of food you can eat for so little calories,

All Natural - Cottage cheese can be made from all natural ingredients of just milk, cream, and salt. Be warned though, many commercially made products contain additives and/or fillers so be cautious of what you buy. Seek out products with simple ingredients if all natural is the way you are looking to go.

Low Carbs - Cottage cheese is extremely low in carbs because it usually only contains natural milk sugars. A half cup of cottage cheese has only 4 grams of carbs.

Calcium - Cottage cheese is a dairy product made from milk. We all know milk does a body good and one of those good things is providing a lot of calcium. A cup of cottage cheese will give you approximately 20% of your daily calcium recommendation.

Cottage cheese is an amazing food that provides a good balance of nutrients to keep the body healthy. While cottage cheese is good for you, it can become a bad food if you add mix-ins or toppings that are unhealthy. There are hundreds of ways to eat cottage cheese in a healthy and delicious manner that does not require unnecessary fattening or high calorie additions. Obviously, the good of one food does not cancel out the bad of another.

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